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239-465-2356 > New Comment

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Jorge Moreno 239 465 2356 - 06-13-2015

A female called Spanish/English accent. This girl got aggressive.. saying odd things.. stop calling my husband. You speak English... I speak Spanish... I advised that I & my number never called her... she hung up..
Then text messages started ..
Saying you Americans are a waste of being a Americans are your lucky you live in this country.. or else.. and says welcome to America..
& another text.... stop putting your problems on working class American..
This collers number is registered on Facebook ..
People please be careful out there.. This person is in The U.S. as guest on sports academic scholarship...

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: 239-465-2356 Female-Lisa something
Company: Hates Americans
Number: 239-465-2356