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315-359-4155 > New Comment

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Anthony - 06-11-2012

Yes, you can stop the calls!  I received one, sometimes up to three calls a day from Canadian Pharmacy using this and a dozen other numbers for over 3 years until I finally fought back! Here's the secret: Their computer makes tens of thousands of calls a day, using "spoofed" phone numbers all over the country, only connecting you to a salesperson when you say "hello".  At the first sign of negativity, they simply hang up. It costs them nothing! You will never get off the automated call list until you order something.

So DO IT! Be sure to ask lots of questions, change your mind several times, haggle on price. Then give them your address, email and credit card number (all fake!). The first time I kept the woman on the phone for 45 minutes. After she ran the fake card number (always use the correct first 2 digits), she desperately tried to call me 10 times a day for 3 days. Finally I answered and told her the credit card was canceled and gave her another. 3 more days of trying before she gave up. Then the daily calls started again in 3 months.

I repeated the process, this time saying I had no credit card and was in the middle of switching bank accounts. After an hour on the phone fielding my stupid repeat questions and placing a $200 order, he sent instructions (to a fake email) on how to pre-pay using Western Union. He called 10 times a day for a week to figure out why they hadn't gotten the money before it all stopped again. 3 months later, the daily calls began again. No biggie, I just had another hour of fun and expect them to soon give up on me again.

They make their money by selling to one of every 10,000 calls. It takes only a tiny percentage of fake orders to waste enough time for their entire marketing strategy to go bust. The salespeople get frustrated, make no commissions and quit. The company spends $1000 training another replacement. Their phone banks are stalled taking orders that only cost them money. Try it, its fun!

Put them out of business - REPOST THIS FOR EVERY NUMBER THEY USE

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: canadian online pharmacy
Number: 315-359-4155