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Aggravated - 09-11-2014

On 9/11/14 (of all days) an "Officer" Kevin Foster called my cell and left a message that I would be arrested the following day. Since I'm not a criminal, I called back and asked what the charges were. He told me not to interrupt (because he's clearly reading from a script) and said something like tax fraud, non-payment of an advance, etc. It was hard to hear him, plus English is obviously not his first language. I asked him "an advance from what?" and he started getting angry, so I said "where are you calling from?" He said "New York." I said "if someone was going to arrest me, they wouldn't call in advance, this is a bunch of crap" and he said "You deserve to get arrested then" so I said "and you're an idiot" at which point he hung up.

Caller: kevin foster
Number: 347-514-7475