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440-617-5677 > New Comment

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Mike in Vegas - 05-21-2014

I just received a call from Westlake, OH. 440-617-5677 -- The woman on the other end started on her sales talk on lowering my credit card interest rate, I interrupted and asked her to remove me from her calling list, she then said "go f*#k yourself", This took me by surprise and I said "What?" she then repeated her statement and I replied "Well the would probably be a lot better than f*#king your nasty a*s" she hung up. 10 minutes later I get a call from "Card Services" 360-322-6668 This call was a robo, I press the button to speak to a live person, when they come on the woman sounded a lot like the first caller, I asked to be removed from the calling list and she just hung up on me. There has to be a way to shut these people down, I suggest an Air Strike !

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Name not given
Company: name not given Ameritech Ohio
Number: 440-617-5677