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518-282-4307 > New Comment

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Melanie - 03-02-2016

This "company" keeps calling stating that I have legal allegations against me in the State of Idaho and that they are going to pursue me at my home & place of business. When I call back, they state that I took out a payday loan and failed to meet my end of the agreement, so now this loan is in default. They say I can settle, outside of court, using a prepaid debit card. I hung up.

I contacted State of Idaho and they said there is nothing on file for me & that this caller is a spam artist trying to fraudulently take money from people.

Don't waste your time with these people. Place whatever phone number they call you from on your "Block" list with your phone company.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Jeff
Company: State Offices of Idaho
Number: 518-282-4307