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630-328-8674 > New Comment

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Feyna - 07-06-2010

I received a call from this number. The representative had a very heavy accent and was difficult to understand, so I had a hard time grasping completely what he was saying.
Here is what I could glean: The company Something-Global-Communications-something was 'inviting' me to attend a presentation in Irvine CA, where I would either accept or decline an offer, and where, regardless of my decision , I would receive an all expense paid vacation/cruise to Cancun, Mexico something-something...
The representative was very rude and pushy, speaking forcefully and loudly garbled attempts at words that I could not decipher, and repeating "OK?!" after every sentence.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Global Communications
Number: 630-328-8674