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Its a SCAM - 09-30-2011

Do NOT engage with these people. They are all liars and jerk. You don't owe them anything. They got an Internet line to call you. The number they tell you to call is usually a NY number but they'll tell you they are in Washington DC. They say they are DC Corporate Law Offices. Yeah, right- in New York! ha ha
I totally mess with them because they have the exact same script saying they are Jim Brown, Alex Brown, Walter Smith- whatever. You Do NOT owe them anything. They are most likely from India and you will barely be able to understand them. Mess around with them and then they will tell you that you are a "primary suspect" in a legal matter and that they will be calling your work and get you fired. I told him I'm my own boss and that I wouldn't be firing myself.

What a joke!

9 months ago they got my number and I reported it to the FBI. This is the first they've called since I told them I reported them. If you get the call, I encourage you to go on the FBI website and report it.
IT'S A SCAM. Don't fall for it.
I called them 30x today and they are so aggravated with me. They actually told ME I was harassing them! I asked them how it felt. I'd change my voice with every call. Sometimes I'd say I worked there too. They are so frustrated and said "Don't Call Back! Ever!" Guess, I'm not the primary suspect.
Ha HA!
Will again be reporting to the FBI.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Jim Brown
Company: DC Law Offices
Number: 646-543-5162