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855-810-1283 > New Comment

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tommygunnympho - 08-26-2014

These people are a joke. They can't give you proof of any debt you may have. They said I wrote a "bad check" lol I've never written a check a day in my life! Also I had kinda worked with someone in this company before and thankfully I didn't give them any of my credit card information but we set up some kind of call back appointment and before I could call them back they called my entire family telling them that they would send an agent to my home and job lmao even if this company was a debt colletions agency, what are you gonna do, repo a person? I think not idiots. They literally harrassed my dad and my siblings but didn't even think to just call me....

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Patricia Kilgore
Number: 855-810-1283