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866-936-4191 > New Comment

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Jmo - 06-28-2012

I talk to guy siad I owed for a loan of $300 that was now $750 I ask who the loan was through he siad sumner group told him I dont know anything about it he siad what do I need to know in a nasty voice I told him to go ahead and serve me court paper work and id c him in court he ask me so your not gunna pay I siad not a dime till we go to court he got angry and cussed me out then hung up on me.these people have called my parents house telling them they need to talk to me to serve me even had a lady call me saying she was a investagator out of dallas texas and that I was being ivestagated for fraud I had one nigerin man call me I told him I would talk to him but I was gunna record are conversation he siad no and hung up this is a scam do not believe a word they say dont give them any info at all

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Sumner group
Number: 866-936-4191