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877-545-2474 > New Comment

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a web user - 02-02-2012

well.... they called, and keep calling, and once a while called again, or 3 times a day, or sometimes 2 calls everyday for a few days.

How come they never leave any messages or voice mail?

I don't owe any money, I am not rich, but I am debts free, so why they keep calling me?

I figured that if a company is calling me, they might want to sell me something, so I'd really never answer those unsolicited calls, knowing it's a 877# or 800# that's obviously from a company.

Perhaps they are phishing, or spamming, I don't know, but I don't really care. Thanks to caller ID, and I will just keep ignoring them, because, if it's IMPORTANT, they should leave a message. So far, they are just like those occupy people, they refuse to stop. Haha.

Well, at least, what I am doing is keeping someone busy to keep his/her job.

Number: 877-545-2474