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888-715-8021 > New Comment

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Annoyed Office Manager - 04-10-2014

Calls numerous times a day. this is how it goes....Always rude lady on other end...
They ask for owner by first name; I always say they are not available; they ask who can help them with a merchant services account; I reply "me" and that I've already requested 10 times I be removed and that we are very happy with our current service and that we are well aware of the changes/updates already; they hang up.

Although today was different...this time she got nasty and said..."well, we will just keep calling back until we get someone else!!" and then she hung up. I answer the phones, and if I don't happen to answer, everyone would give the call to me anyway. Nice way to get business...just keep bullying people on the you really think that approach will work? Good luck with that. :)

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: National Merchant Services
Number: 888-715-8021