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888-986-8256 > New Comment

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sonny - 10-22-2013

These people called my 80-year-okd mother yesterday to say her car was in serious danger of being out of warranty and she faced all sorts of dangers if she didn't sign up for a new warranty. She asked repeatedly for more time to think and research but the salesman told her she needed to decide right then. She reluctantly gave her banking information, then had second thoughts and tried to withdraw her order. She was transferred to a second, even more insistent representative, who told her the company had already entered her information and could not do anything about it. My mother sheepishly called me later to report her bad judgment and I didn't have the heart to say she's now aged into the "victim class." Is there some sort of law enforcement agency that can grab these crooks?

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: National Protection Service
Number: 888-986-8256