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919-659-5352 > New Comment

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Annon - 04-12-2013

spam alert!!! I received a call from a guy stating he was with “WN Positions” and I had requested response looking for a job in a survey. I asked for his info to call him back – WN, Joseph or james and gave me a local number 919-659-5352.which showed on my caller id This is definitely as SCAM for identity theft attempt. he tried to get me to answer a lot of question pertaining to my identity, Be warned. do not give any info to these people! i called them several times and told them to remove my number they said no and hung up.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Joseph Chris James at 919-659-5352
Company: wn positions career placement agency and educational assistance
Number: 919-659-5352