FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

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Original Comment

A Royal Pest - 05-08-2013

Received call AGAIN today. This time BEFORE 8:45a.m. They don't care who they call, the time of the call or the number of times they call.
The "Do Not Call List" means nothing to them, as is the case with other callers of this type. Why should it considering: 1) The gov's Do Not Call list has no bite to it and the abuser knows it. 2) These calls are usually made via computer, ie "robo dialers". Phones that "block" calls, which I purchased, limit how many #'s can be blocked. Though usually easier said than done, don't answer if possible. They won't have the satisfaction of knowing "they got you"!

Company: Caller ID read Cellular Caller
Number: 402-909-5624