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Original Comment

anonymous - 11-21-2014

This is not a arbitration company it is a debit collection company. They left a recorded message of a woman claiming to be the director and if I didn't call they would prosecute me but never said why. I called a rep name David came on claiming to be an arbitrator for my case dating back to 2008 for a payday loan, and I had 1 chance or they would charge me with check fraud. I told him they couldn't because it was for a loan and also I file bankruptcy and it was included. David continued to argue that chapter 7 and 13 doesn't cover fraud and I stopped him again and mid sentence he hung up! Pls do not fall for any of this. They are lies and are trying to scare you. Know this arbitration doesn't happen with criminal cases restitution does and only after you have been convicted. Not to mention the police would arrest you not give you a chance to pay someone. Also an arbitrator usually works for the court between you and that company and most importantly us a civil matter only! So glad I have my attorney and I dare this damn company to bother me again because it is I that will take them to court for harassment and be getting paid!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: David Rachael Morgan
Company: certified mediation sercive
Number: 512-900-8585