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dataclick > New Comment

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Rab - 03-30-2012

These fools , get you on a recording twisting the story around to make it sound like you want their crappy service . When you really told them that you would just take a look at it and make further judgement from there .Phone them back to tell them you dont want their service and they say but you said "yes" they hit you with an invoice of $576.00 .
They even have now gone so far as to create their own debt recovery service (wc debt recovery) . Real funny because the 2 so called companies are in the same room , guess that makes it real easy to send your account to collections lol....check this out
their phone number is 866-358-3003 , ext 222,262,289,283.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: dataclick
Company: dataclickwc debt recovery
Number: 866-358-3003