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Original Comment

Josh - 04-03-2013

this is the second time i have had to deal with this peticular SCAM GROUP 2 diffrent numbers but the same people i assure you it is not a U.S based company they are useing an international exchange in Mass. this time last time it was in New York. The first time they claimed to be the Police "lol" this time they claim to be a Law firm (said Law firm does not exsist btw) they claimed there was a "finantial law suit" against my name and my social security number???? are you kidding me mabe they should brush up on american law and terminolgy before they try these things.... I know its the same people because they used the exact same wording last time saying there was a warent against my name and social security number.... botom line is its a scam do NOT give them ANY information and report it to the FBI

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: David Santiago thick Indian accent
Company: DRC law firm
Number: 508-955-0285