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harassed - 09-13-2012

Debbie Newman's husband rang about having a item restored. He claims to be blind however could read a ad & give info about the item he needed restored. He proclaimed he would ring back the following week. Since he lied about being blind, I knew he would never ever call back & I was right. He never had the item he needed restored to begin with. Never ever trust a single thing they say or hire them! A total BSer! This call was from 3.5.11. I got a call again today, 25.7.12 from her again saying "is it alright to bring the radio by on Fri. ?" in a tone as though he had to call back because he forgot something a minute before. I told him he as the wrong number and he made stupid noises and I then hung up. Being lied to last year, I knew it was another attempt to waste my time so he could get another sick thrill. I can see why you cannot find a job, you are too obsessed with harassing others. His actions show he should be locked in a nut house forever. The above post is further proof he is crazy.

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: Debbie Newman
Number: 804-237-2286