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Deborah Bailey > New Comment

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Matt Atkins - 12-15-2009

Woman called me and demands to know who I am and why I keep calling her, even though I have never called her, I asked who she was and she told me her name. I thought later it had to be fake but it wasn't as I found her in the phonebook under the same name and phone number. Anyways this nut job then relaxed as I tried to calm her down by assuring that I never called her then she starts crying and wants to know if I would have dinner with her sometime and maybe she said "we could have sex". Like ???? Ahh lady I am so DONE WITH THIS CALL! She had called me back (but I don't answer) 23 times since then. I reported it to the phone company but they won't do anything. Crazy!!! And she sounded really OLD too!!!

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: Deborah Bailey
Number: 281-980-8384