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Original Comment

Dick Hammer - 03-12-2015

Unlimited Construction telemarketer. I asked the caller if the number that shows up on my caller ID was their actual numbers, because a lot of telemarketers call with fake phone numbers. He admitted that there number was actually different. I asked told him he was committing telecommunications fraud. I asked him if he has heard of the National Do Not Call Registry, and informed him that we were on it, and that he was breaking the law. He said he was sorry and didn't know we were on it, and said he would put us on their do not call list. I told him that's not good enough, and that they need to cross-reference the National Do Not Call Registry before they call, and that it is their legal responsibility. Oh I was loud and angry.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: Guy who couldnt get an honest job
Company: Unlimited Construction
Number: 818-545-1728