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Karol > New Comment

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Karol - 04-23-2012

First let's congratulate you! Two tsuahond dollars isn't much in comparison with someone else in debt. Well if you want to pay it then you will have to increase your hours at work. Most likely you will go part time to school or you may just work full time job and go to school full time. Start with the small amounts first. Pay them off ASAP. For the bigger ones make payment plans with them. You may be able to get a second job (if you put your schooling on hold). You could even pay some of the smaller ones off then during tax season pay those bigger ones off. I'd recommend doing some payment plans if your intentions are paying off those accounts.

Caller type: Fundraiser
Caller: Karol
Company: First lets congratulate you Two tsuahond dollars isnt much in comparison wit
Number: 561-689-9015