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Melissa - 09-19-2014

First, they CLAIM to be a law office, but they are not. The person to whom they connect you is not a lawyer.

They have bought OLD debt, uncollectable & threaten to serve you with papers. I believe they lied about the date it was charged off & about the amount.

I tried to give my current address so they could 'serve me', and they yell 'SO YOU REFUSE TO PAY?' and hang up.

They have done this three times to me, and they know they will lose in court as the debt is too old to be legally collectible, so don't give in to their demands.

Feel free to offer your address & say you will gladly show up in court. All you need to do IF they actually filed on you (which they won't) is the last date of activity on the account (which they will give you in the beginning of the call) & the judge will dismiss the case as it is too old to collect.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Legal Claim Services
Number: 646-481-8926