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Leon Cruz ya right > New Comment

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Revenge idea - 02-24-2012

All right. We have tried everything to stop these yahoos from calling into our business and tying up our lines. Last night I decided to go on the offense and I need everyones help. Go and get a VOIP phone number one that can block incoming calls and call this number as often as possible to tie up their line and make them listen to all the bogus voice mail. I figure at some point we will outnumber them 1000's to one. As we get new nubers we can post them and call those. Most of the time I just ramble about having to pay them money. I talk about having my credit card out and wanting to send money, but I can not get ahold of them. I ask them to call me back asap so I can pay them. I bumble around for as long as possible and them tell them obviously they have my number since they have called me a 1000 times. Sometimes during the day someone will answer and I talk with them as long as possible. I figure if they are talking with me they are not scammeing or harassing someone else...

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Leon Cruz ya right
Number: 360-975-3696