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Willis - 08-24-2010

This morning I received a fifth call this month from 866 932-6805, which turns out to be ARM = Accounts Receivable Management, a debt collection agency. By insisting to the belligerent clerk, I reached Ms. Lisa Michaels, manager, at (800) 220-3350, extension 6802, her private line in their New Jersey office. She assured me "my problem would be resolved" -- the same line that I had gotten from a different clerk last Thursday!

I hope others will call Ms. Michaels at (800) 220-3350, x6802, and voice their concerns. When enough people complain both directly and to the FCC as I have done, these people may be forced to change their reprehensible business practices. My domestic peace and tranquility are worth something -- including the time to write this message.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Lisa Michaels
Company: ARM Accounts Receivable Management
Number: 866-932-6805