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Upset - 04-12-2011

Mike Arvizu attended Arroyo High School in and Rio Hondo Community College in Whittier, CA (outside LA). He now lives in Glendale, Arizona. Historically, Arvizu is a Basque name from the Spanish/French peninsula, however I believe he is hispanic. More information can be found about Michael Arvizu here:

According to their website, Fireside is a subprime auto loan provider. As of 3/24/2009, they are not making loans anymore ( It appears they did not survive the recent banking meltdown. I assume a skeleton workforce remains, attempting to salvage what capitol they can.

What this means to you: Fireside only provided sub prime car loans for extremely high interests rates. They are basically the automotive equivalent to the sub prime housing loans that destroyed the US economy (followed by the worlds economy). Fireside's key demographic is low income and minority car buyers. They use high pressure and legally questionable practices for collecting unpaid (and overpriced) loans because they are betting their customers do not know their rights and/or are too poor to higher an attorney. They appear to have gone out of business and are trying to recoup some losses or have sold the rights of their outstanding loans to a third party.

Here is a link to YOUR RIGHTS, provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a government agency which enforces consumer protections laws like the “unfair and deceptive acts or practices" (1938):

Good luck,

Caller: Mary Michael Arvizu
Company: Fireside
Number: 866-381-7701