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Brent fron London Ont - 03-21-2013

This number just called my cell and left a message. The caller ID shows as being from the USA but the voicemail indicates that it's Rogers (note... didn't say whether it was mobility, internet or cable... Just Rogers). The message states that there is a problem with my account and that I need to call them. I DON'T HAVE A ROGERS ACCOUNT. You'd figure that if it was actually Rogers calling they'd know that I wasn't their customer. This call sounds very legit but cannot be as Rogers isn't in the USA and my cell is not on the Rogers network.

Please be very careful with this one. Even the automatic voice message sounds exactly right except for the little clues that are missing, such as incomplete company name in the message, wrong country calling and such.

Company: Not Rogers
Number: 885-862-6423