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jcsquared - 02-20-2015

I used to work for an operation like this. They will present themselves as raising funds for the local firefighters association by asking you to sponsor tickets for a concert, usually with a once-famous musical act. If you say you're not interested in the show they are taught to tell you that if you don't want to go you can still support the FFA and indicate that you'd like to donate your tickets to a local kids organization enabling "underprivileged kids to participate in an event they otherwise wouldn't be able to see". Truth is they do this, but it's usually around 10 kids regardless of how many tickets get donated, which is usually most of them. The other thing worth noting is that the company making the calls recoups their costs from the proceeds and gives the remainder to the FFA and the split is typically in the neighborhood of 50-60% to the telemarketing firm and the rest going to the FFA. The company teaches their callers to use aggressive techniques, especially with elderly people who may or may not have full mental faculties. If you really want to support your FFA do so directly and don't support these jerks.

JC Squared

Caller type: Fundraiser
Company: Raleigh FFA
Number: 919-747-8799