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Original Comment

Marcy - 04-07-2011

Their name is Reliance Air Duct cleaning out of Houston - they have a Dallas Office number too. The callers say it is Reliance Home Care. I had a local police detective check them out. They gave me a bogus local phone numer and address. Look under There are a couple of numbers to call and addresses. Make complaints for violation of the Do No Call List. If you are in Texas, complain to the PUC. They have called us many times after 9:00 p.m., so they are in violation of telelmarketing regs as well as the DNC list. They were calling under 917-555-3321 which looks like a NY number. One lady told me they use voice over internet and that is why the numbers show them out of state. They are harassing and obnoxious and they need to be stopped.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: REliance or Reliant Home Care
Number: 746-699-8811