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Terri - 04-07-2015

Message text as recorded on my machine by an automated robot call. "Hello, this call is officially a final notice from IRS Internal Revenue Service. The reason of this call is to inform you that IRS is filing lawsuit against you. To get more information about the case file please call immediately on our department #404-418-6621. I repeat 404-418-6621. Thank you.

First red flag - the IRS has real people call you to arrange a meeting.
Second red flag - When the IRS has called me in the past, my caller ID listed it definitely as Internal Revenue Service and it showed the phone number of the caller. When I received a message, they clearly stated the person and business name they were trying to contact, the case number, the specific agent in charge of the case, the verifiable IRS phone number, and hours of operation. The number 404-418-6621 does not show on caller ID -- it only reads UNKNOWN CALLER. The only time this happens on my service is if the person on the other end has blocked their information.
Third red flag - IRS will identify as a specific state IRS or Federal IRS and the city where they are located.
Fourth red flag - When I received a message from the real IRS, I have been given the first name and agent number of the caller; along with other vital identifying information. They also give the year of the return, along with the quarter of the year, the specific form number that has a problem, etc.
Fifth red flag - After having payments to IRS lost in the mail, every IRS document we file is handled online with a receipt. I would have received an e-mail stating that I missed a payment.

DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS CALL, they are pfishing for your personal information -- SS #, address, birthdate, etc. everything they will need to access all your data.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Robot no name
Company: IRS Fake
Number: 404-418-6621