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Some Schmuck named Joe > New Comment

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Alexander - 11-26-2013

Got a call from 253-236-2391 (Kent, WA) - Recorded message said that "someone from this phone number had ordered a medical alert bracelet" and that "it was already paid for" and "we need the right address". THIS IS A SCAM - They are fishing for your personal information or they are sending out medical alert bracelets to people who don't need them and then getting reimbursed from some federal program that pays for it out of our tax dollars- Either way it is a SCAM!!!!! Do not give them any of your information. Try to obtain their name and address and forward to the Washington State Attorney General Office as well as you own state's AG office. These are deceptive practices at the very least that take advantage of our Senior Citizens and You- the hardworking American by way of government cronyism.
Washington State AG Office: 1.800.551.4636 or 206.464.6684
800 5th Ave. Suite 2000
Seattle, WA. 98104-3188

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Some Schmuck named Joe
Company: Did not say
Number: 253-236-2391