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sondra lee quiroz > New Comment

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Lola - 07-03-2012

I'm getting texted messages from this number in regards to an ad I placed on Local Sales Network. In my ad I specifically stated "no texted messages. Phone calls or email only." They text me 3 times over the course of 4 months in regards to the availability of my item. I never texted back. Finally they sent their name "Sondra Lee Quiroz," because they sent their name I replied saying my item was still available. This was their next reply "Good, i am currently on Military duty at the Marine Corps Air Facility Quantico, VA..." After numerous texts back and forth. I finally asked her why she wouldn't call, and she replied "we are not allowed to received calls or make local calls in the base for security reasons okay"
Because of this I google the number and see that it might be a landline in Santa Rosa, CA and that you can send texted messages via landlines. Just wanted to share my experience. I in no way was going to send my product without my money first, but it seems fishy to me especially since my item was a laptop and they wanted me to send it before I erased the memory. I'm kinda worried now too because this just doesn't seem right. Just wanted to share my experience.
Also wanted me to ship the laptop to Africa because said they were buying it for their son who was studying aboard.

Caller: sondra lee quiroz
Number: 707-636-4337