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Susan Davydov Ava Adams > New Comment

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Denise - 03-23-2016

I had the same thing happen to me today...It's a scam artist phishing for information with claims of being an IRS officer. Beware as the caller will confirm letters were mailed and the situation must be resolved or the local police will receive your case (which an actual case number is provided over the phone). The caller will want to "prove that you're an honest person" by asking you 3 questions (any felony's, bankruptcy in the past, or traffic violations). She (Susan Davydov and/or Eva Fwafford) will tell you an amount and ask if you can remediate over the phone to prevent further action. If no, they threaten to have the policy at your employer site/home and seize all your possessions, bank accounts, etc., and place you in jail for 72 hours before you can have a hearing, ruin your credit, etc....It is a scam.

If the IRS calls you, I've been told they would confirm their name and agent number...But most often they do not call. The proper procedure is to mail information to your home address on record. Do not provide these scam artists any information...Just hang up the phone!

Caller: Susan Davydov Ava Adams
Company: IRS