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Granddad - 08-04-2011

This particular number is named "US Pharmacy" supposed to be located in India. A buddy of mine ordered some medicines over the internet and now this place calls him at least once a week to remind him of his "so-called" medication. He keeps asking them to quit calling.
He said that he ordered some more medications from a different website only this time he used my phone number and now I am also getting these phone calls. The phone calls are from the same company. Apparently they have two pharmacy websites.
The authorities said that they cant do anything because the phone number was given to them. It doesnt matter who gave it to them, it was given to them. So i can either change my number that i've had over 10 years or dont answer it. I dont answer it.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: US Pharmacy
Number: 916-826-8909