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Annoyed - 04-04-2014

I have been getting area code 206 calls for a long time and I finally picked up, and they don't even answer for 20 seconds... I said "Do not call me any more." and hung up. Then these a holes call me again today! This time, I say I am young and do not take a single prescription drug. Why in the world would he try to continue the conversation? He STILL insists on trying to sell me something, and I cut him off and say DO NOT CALL ME AGAIN, DO YOU UNDERSTAND? And this little foreign punk says "no". I went off. He hung up half way into my tirade. Lets see if they are dumb enough to do it again. They are such a pathetic company, they probably don't even have the technology to take notes of numbers that are no good. If they are indeed in Seattle, I would love to pay them a visit... but it sounds like it is routed through Seattle and they are really in a call center in India.

Instead of listening to me ask nicely, they made me furious and instead I'm reporting their company and leaving warnings on every site. This could have been avoided just by saying "ok"... to someone who doesn't even use prescription drugs! Smart company...

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: US Pharmacy
Company: US Pharmacy
Number: 206-310-2102