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202-861-5879 > New Comment

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B Collins - 11-14-2012

Last night I got two calls: 202-861-5879, and 504-861-5879. I checked the 202 call with the White Pages reverse number, and found out that the call came from Washington, D.C., and was a telemarketer. The 504 call had the ID "Loyola University", which was a lie; so was the number according to the University itself! The 504 call, according to White Pages, came from an unlisted landline in Kenner, Louisiana. What irked me most about the 504 call was that the phone rang 50X before it stopped! I hope that the real Loyola University can find out who the hacker is, and take strong action against him.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Wireless Caller
Number: 202-861-5879