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Cuzn - 11-13-2014

Told me I have a civil suit against me and to call a number with a case file which I called and was hung up on 2x by a girl named Amy. Then she started screaming at me cause I wouldnt "Verify" my info by telling her my DOB and last 4 of social. She claimed she had it in front of her so I said tell me what you have and I'll tell you if it's right and she said "NO, IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!" I said "It does when you are looking for me!" We wnet back and forth and finally I said if you want ot contact me and have any info for me and since you have my info, you can mail it, otherwise leave me alone. She said it doesnt work that way and I hung up. Oh the company I called is Star Financial.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: kate
Company: Comsumer Finder
Number: 240-654-8651