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702-983-2100 > New Comment

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anonymous - 11-06-2014

Caller said there is currently indictment proceedings bearing my name and social security number being filed with a local jurisdiction, and to review the affidavit and eliminate all possible proceedings being filed against you, contact MCG Legal Services immediately today at 1-800-... (didn't get the actual number). Our office has been retained with 24 hours to get ahold of you and notify you of the formal proceedings that are being filed. Caller didn't give his name, and didn't address me by mine.

This was also my work number which i just received 4-5 months ago, if anything was correct it would have been my cell number as that is what is associated with any of my records. Also, it was a very poorly done recording of what seemed to be a deep voiced teenager. Any time you get a recorded message that is suppose to be specific to you, it should address you by name (usually "this is a recorded message for blah blah blah"), speak slowly when talking about the specifics that you need to know, indicate this message will be repeated, and then right after will repeat the message.

I would say a very obvious scam.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: MCG Legal Services
Number: 702-983-2100