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JEN SMITH - 04-04-2013

Hahahah. I get alot of pleasure out of calling these people as much as they call me. Turns out, they are not even looking for me..they are looking for my boyfriend. Regardless, I call them back from another number, and everytime I yell and curse at them, they get very upset. ! hahahaaaaa I enjoy calling them and telling them I know it is a scam and that "their mother must be so proud" of the job of choice. The first time I called, the woman got so upset she put a man on the phone who kept saying he is "axing me to be a human being" and I stated that his English is not proper and he can't AXE me, but he can ASK me. I then asked him to spell ASK. :) I wish they would stop calling me, but I record every conversation for my own protection. ************************PLEASE NOBODY OUT THERE GIVE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE YOUR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. THEY ARE TRYING TO SCAM YOU AND TAKE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. DO NOT DO IT!******************************

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: ach
Number: 855-799-4492