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Ryan - 03-26-2010

Some information for new people to this thread

Are you wondering why you received a call from SQM Group from phone number 250-260-3907?

It is because we are calling you to conduct a short customer satisfaction survey about a recent call center experience that either you had or someone else had using your phone number.

SQM Group is not a telemarketing organization. We are a customer satisfaction research organization that conducts customer surveys on behalf of major organizations' call centers.

Visit to have your name put on the Do Not Survey List

Number: 250-260-3907


Josephine - 04-19-2009

It's a nasty telephone surveyor.

Caller type: Surveyor
Company: Service Quality Measurement Group
Number: 250-260-3907


Joseph - 11-15-2008

Who is this and how did you get my cellphone number?

Number: 250-260-3907


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