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Central Office: THIENSVL, WI - MCIMETRO, ATS, INC. [?]

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Kat - 05-11-2016

I won 1 of 2 prizes 1st prize Ford Explore, 2nd prize $2500. They called my back I was unable to answer. I called them back and had to leave a voice message. So I don't know if this is actual a scam.

Caller type: Other
Caller: jeff johnson
Number: 262-404-7110


karen kirshner - 04-19-2016

he said I won One of two prizes I could either have $25,000 in cash or I could have a Ford Explorer and that somebody should've called to tell me where I can pick up my prize, and that I should call him back between the hours of 8 AM and 10 PM. This was the second call from someone related to this prize I looked up the Ford Explorer online and it goes with 31,000+ tax not $25,000 which is what they claim

Caller: jeff johnson
Company: Prize Notification Center
Number: 262-404-7110


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