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Central Office: CHEYENNE, WY - 360NETWORKS (USA) INC. - WY [?]

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LJ - 09-09-2015

Received voice mail from a Miss Johnson stating that I needed to return her phone call ASAP regarding a debt. She stated if I refused to call her back that this would be reported as a refusal and would be out of their hands and their office would forward info. to their Collector. I have in the past 2 mos. received calls similar to this one from different "companies" that refuse to send any form of paperwork proving I owe anything. All of these so called collectors are stating I owe them a debt from 2010. My Lawyer stated he has been receiving numerous phone calls from clients reporting same harassment. How do we stop this!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Miss Johnson
Company: RG Financial
Number: 307-316-2982


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