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Maintenance guy - 05-17-2013

Guys I came to work for her between feb and march...she took me for rounds as posted here and tried to touch me. I was surprised why would she
want me to go for rounds to check rooms?

During walking the floors her actions started... She is something you would never want her around... NO figure, dark skinny, cheap walking style and mean lady who is out there only to exploit your sexuality for her greed or hunger. I stopped workings there after she started being wanting more secretly in her hotel. I was told by staff she is too exploiting for men.

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: Silpa Patel
Company: Holiday Inn Express
Number: 314-773-6500


Ty - 05-17-2013

Guys please stay on alert and do not respond to Craigslist ads from holiday inn express or from someone named shilpa Patel or shilpa sheevam or Silpa this is red flag. Shilpa sheevam is unfit to operate hotel she just uses it for her sexual greed and exploits men at interview or after interview..this is typical she will take you for rounds to show property and then try to touch you, kiss you or flirt with you... Being man you will be challenged to get her laid in the room ... New chapter starts or she will call you outside for interview what a heck? Why would someone like to meet outside or odd hours or on weekend? This second red flag. Do your home work and stay safe shilpa sheevam goes by various names GM or Silpa or shilpa Patel. Actually her legal name is shilpa' sheevam. Just do one google check and you will have her profile of see, alcohol or drugs ....

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: Holiday Inn Express
Company: Shilpa Patel or Shilpa Sheevam
Number: 314-773-6500


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