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Badalone - 11-13-2013

Got a call from 514-871-8474 this morning at 8:48
The guy with strong Hindu accent tried to tell me - I have problem with my Windows. I didn't know it's a 514 area code (Montreal, Canada) so I asked him - where he's calling - he said - London!
He tried to get me to run some command on my PC, asking me to press Window button and R, that's when I told him - there' s no Windows on my PC. It runs Linux. After which he immediately hung up. I think it's just a pranksters. Maybe I am mistaken and they are worse than that. I've called the number back and it's not in service, also the reverse lookup on did't yield anything.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: 514-871-8474
Number: 514-871-8474


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