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Wendy - 09-29-2015

I received a text from one number 650-229-2337 stating "payment is due, call back 516-324-3228". When I text back asking who they were they responded "test" I called the number and some man with a heavy accent answered claiming to be an officer and stated I had a past due payday loan... Guess what buddy, never had a pay day loan, not legal in my state! He then started cussing at me and I hung up, he then called me back calling me several foul names and once I advised him I work for an attorney and I am turning the info over to the feds since they are impersonating officers, he then hung up

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 516-324-3228


unknown - 09-17-2015

received text stating"last notice for your outstanding loan. we are going to prosecute the case legally. if you have any good intention or resolve this matter call on 516-324-3228"

Caller type: Other
Company: TEXT
Number: 516-324-3228


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