FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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Harrassed - 01-26-2011

You know these sites are great...too bad they cannot help people stop this constant abuse from these unwanted callers who can hide their identity. If we all knew who it was for sure, then We would take legal action for next time you do a Who calls me site, how bout Posting real help solutions millions of people can actually use to stop this.
Oh, by the way, guess the reason why? Money, our phone numbers are information that is bought and routed through channels you do not see automatically by bigger corporations who are making money-selling information lists to bottom feeders.
Check it out; trace some of these calls to the computer-server auto-dialers. ...ECT..., and while you do, take note of how many times you will find in the fine print companies you recognize along the way.

Number: 534-715-7843


Harrassed - 01-26-2011

computer generated phishing call. Caller ID spoofed.....You know these sites are great...too bad they cannot help people stop this constant abuse from these unwanted callers who can hide their identity. If we all knew who it was for sure, then We would take legal action for next time you do a Who calls me site, how bout Posting real help solutions millions of people can actually use to stop this.
Oh, by the way, guess the reason why? Money, our phone numbers are information that is bought and routed through channels you do not see automatically by bigger corporations who are making money-selling information lists to bottom feeders.
Check it out; trace some of these calls to the computer-server auto-dialers. ...ECT..., and while you do, take note of how many times you will find in the fine print companies you recognize along the way.

Caller type: Other
Number: 534-715-7843


John Doe - 11-15-2010


Number: 534-715-7843


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