FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android



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fed up - 12-15-2015

The fact is these are IDENTITY THIEVES. They are phishing for credit card and social security information to steal. Robocalls for any type of sales are against federal law unless you gave the company permission to contact you that way. (More information is readily available at the FTC.GOV website) You're better off to just hang up. Pushing any buttons will only tell them that it is a live number, and will likely result in more unwanted calls.

Number: 615-456-0420


Diane - 12-14-2015

Robocall stating they could lower my interest rates. The option for speaking with a live person was given and since I have no balances on any credit card I wanted to ask to be removed from the call list. When I did, the person made a yawn sound and said he didn't have time for this kind of nonsense and began to make rude comments. Needless to say I hung up. I tried the number back and it says it is no longer a working number. This needs to stop.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 615-456-0420


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