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WJ Spicerman - 06-15-2016

Text Msg:
Jibe access code 5445
Message ID: HTEW5379

Jibe (a company owned by Google for gaming purposes)

Access code 5445 - msg ID 5379 online - dump code (5445) a data dump; testing various numbers for pickups or rollover to voicemail (likely a pre-scammer thing)

I got about 25 text messages from this and other (spoofed) numbers. This was the only number of all of them that went back to a real telephone company.

I think these are ways that scammers get to collect pre-robodial, robocall, data. to test if any numbers are in service, before making any robocalls. After two weeks all of this stopped as suddenly as it started. I reported each one to the FCC and got a complaint number.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: not given was txt msg
Company: Jibe owned by Google
Number: 667-222-2199


WJ Spicerman - 04-16-2016

A text message sent at 4:29 AM in Calif is nothing more than a freakin' scam thig

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 667-222-2199


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