FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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Nope - 04-03-2014

And I'm supposed to believe some stranger on the Internet who spams these sites with this comment? I don't think so. I Googled this "helpful" phone number and it looked very sketchy.

Number: 667-401-3838


Carmen - 03-29-2014

I found the following blog comment for another phone number with the last 3 digits different but it was helpful for this phone number so I'm forwarding it on; After waiting a while on the line to get a real person, I told him I wasn't interested and to take my phone number off his calling list. That didn't work because they kept calling back. I then searched online and found a comment of someone calling 866-246-7196 so I tried it. All I had to do was give the caller's phone number to verify it's on their list and the receiving phone number to add to the do not call list. After a day and a half the annoying daily calls stopped.

Number: 667-401-3838


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