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mgeb2000 - 04-22-2014

I got a phone call on my cell from this number on 4/22/2014 at 9:43 am offering to lower my interest rate on my credit card. Funny thing is I use my land-line not my cell as a contact for all my credit cards so I was curious. It started with a recorded message to to press 1 to lower my rate. I pressed 1. Man came on and said they could lower my rate on my credit card. I asked which one? Response: Visa, Again I asked which one? He rattled off your Bank of America, Capital One or Chase. I said I have many credit cards, so which one? Response: the one with a $3200 balance. I said to him, none have that balance, I pay them off every month, so if you are showing a balance on any account with my name, then it's fraud.
CLICK he hung up.

No doubt in my mind that this is a scam, DO NOT GIVE OUT ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION!!!!

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 685-618-7675


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