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Customer - 05-16-2011

Do not recommend this fence company! Mr Ingram owner was furious because I didnt approve his terrible work. He cut my horse fence to pieces after repairs.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Mike Ingram
Company: Windstream Commerce Georgia
Number: 706-335-2391


Carnesville Georgia Drama Queen - 03-30-2011

Mike Ingram, owner of Triple I Fence, Commerce Georgia will charm, manipulate and ruthlessly plow his way thru your life leaving shattered expectations and an empty wallet. He is completely lacking in conscience , judgement or feelings for others if it stands in his way. He will selfishly take what he wants, do as he pleases without the slightest sense of guilt or remorse. He's a fluent liar and will change his story to fit the situation without skipping a beat. Words mean nothing to him. His intelligence permits him to construct a facade of normalcy and has an emotional connection to value and power ONLY. He presents himself as fearless;therefore lacks the emotions of guilt and shame. How can this person provide you with an honest bid on work or care about the quality of work he does...It doesn't matter to him at

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Mike Ingram
Company: Triple I Fence-Nicholson Ga
Number: 706-335-2391


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